
I finally got around to sugar soaping the walls in the baby’s room today. I had no idea what I was doing, and still don’t. It seemed pretty easy, and while the walls look cleaner it wasn’t as complicated as the results from my google search of ‘how to sugar soap walls’ led me to believe it would be.

While I was cleaning the window sill I noticed all the dirt and grime built up in the sliding window thinger and set about cleaning it. An hour later it was a little bit cleaner but not so much I felt I’d achieved much. Dirt that isn’t your dirt is sooo frustrating. Short of replacing the windows, it will never be really clean. And that is so annoying to me.

There is only one person I know who will definitely understand this frustration.

Hi Mum.

– Jen

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1 Response to Dirt

  1. Deb says:

    Absolutely Jen. I get it. Did you try cotton buds with spray and wipe.

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